Ayurveda is a truly holistic and integral medical system that treats human beings as a 'whole', which is a combination of body, mind and soul. Ayurvedic treatments in Langwarrin bring the body back into balance for optimum wellness.
"AYU" means all aspects of life from conception to death, and "VEDA" means knowledge or learning. It is a way of life that describes the diet, medicine and behaviours that are beneficial or detrimental for your life or lifestyle.
Dr Mahesh is one of the very first Ayurvedic Doctors that started practicing in Melbourne.
The history of Ayurvedic services
Ayurveda is one of the oldest (approximately 6,000 years old) scientific medical systems in the world, with a long record of clinical experience. It is one of the great gifts of the Gods of ancient India to mankind. It is not just a system of medicine in the common sense of curing disease; it is also a way of life which teaches us how to maintain and protect our health.
According to the four main vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva), they stated that when the God Brahma created the universe with human life, human beings started to feel sick, not doing all Karmas properly as they were supposed to. So the creator of the universe, Brahma, wrote Ayurveda, which some people call as a fifth veda.
The Rig veda is the foundation stone of the other vedas, being the oldest of the four and contains concepts of Ayurveda. Its three great Gods - Indra, Agni and Soma - related to the three doshas (body type) of Ayurveda - Vata, Pitta or Kapha.
In Atharva, we find references to anatomical and physiological factors, the disease process, treatment of specific diseases and other systematic knowledge about Ayurveda. All the material about the science of life is compiled together in the so called fifth veda, Ayurveda, and all those compilations are called "Samhitas".
Due to invasion of different cultures in ancient India, many of these Samhitas have been lost or burnt, but three main Samhitas are available: Charaka-Medicine Veda, Sushruta-Surgery Veda, and Ashtanga Hridaya-Lifestyle Management.